This website runs on free software, which means it respects the freedom of its users.

Software is considered 'free' if it respects the following four freedoms:

- The freedom to use the program for any purpose.

- The freedom to study the program and make changes to it.

- The freedom to share the program with others.

- The freedom to share changes you make to the program with others.

The table below lists the scripts used on this site. The first item in each row includes a link the minified code run by site visitors ('minified' means it has been shortened, sacrificing human readability for faster loading time and reduced bandwidth). The middle item in each row shows the license used for that script, and the last item in each row includes a link to the full source code for that script.

gallery-2.js GNU-GPL-3.0-or-later gallery-2.js
removeNoJS.js GNU-GPL-3.0-or-later removeNoJS.js
Logo for GNU Public License Version 3 or later